Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 10, 1996

  1. Missing large
    Solomon J. Behala Premium Member 3 months ago

    Kim was the last orphan out of Saigon, born late 1974 or early ā€˜75, which would make her 21 in 1996; Mike is between 35 and 45. The vagueness is due to the fact that the main characters didnā€™t age during the college years. Mike gave his age as 19 in 1971, so he was presumably born in 1951/2, but is in his early twenties post-hiatus. Joanie is around 16 years older than Mike (born in 1936), but in 1988 says sheā€™s 47 and in 1993 is excited at the election of a president of ā€œher generationā€. To further muddle things, a rerun from 2002 last week re-established Joanieā€™s original age, but I havenā€™t read the whole storyline so I donā€™t know what comes of it.

    I consider time to have passed before the hiatus. After all, we never saw the original gangā€™s graduation in the comic. In my opinion, Mike, Mark, and BD started at Walden in 1970 at about 18, and Zonker the following year. In my head-canon, the original 3 graduated in the mid-seventies but stuck in the commune and around Walden (tutoring, jockeying, and coaching) until the events of the musical sent them their separate ways.

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