Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 25, 1999
Roland: Test, two, threee...test, two, three.. Mark: huh? Rick: Governor Bush, your recent foreign policy gaffes seem to have drawn a lot of attention to your inexperience. Any comment? Texas Governor George Bush: Look, I'm not going to play foreign policy gotcha. Won't do it. Got my own message of compassionate conservatism. I want to put it out there. Roland: But shouldn't a president know the difference between Slovakia and Slovenia? Governor George Bush: No - they're too new. Besides, I'll have people, top people, who can answer these "Jeopardy" type questions about the Grecians or the Timorians or whatever. What really matters to the Kosovians and other foreign guys is that we elect a president who won't play gotcha and who also speaks Spanish. Mark: Governor, can you name three of our NATO allies? Governor George Bush: Of course. The Frenchians, the Belgese and the Germaniacs.
william.keisler almost 6 years ago
Turns out Bush’s foreign policy was even worse than we thought