Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 22, 2009
Toggle: Thought you... you had a gimp leg, Lieutenant... not a... a new one! B.D.: I'm sure I mentioned it. You do forget things, Toggle... Toggle: Well, I... I... won't forget today. Day I watched the scrimmage! Man: And met the Walden starting quarterback! B.D.: Back-up quarterback. Man: See? I forget stuff, too!
Yo mushroom, I’m not head injured, and I’m a registered Republican. I am a proud veteran (retired Navy active and reserves) who served during the Cold War and did a tour in the current Iraq conflict before retiring. I’m not a Democrat because I can’t stand the level of “tolerance” that most vocal Democrats spew when face to face with differing points of view. I’m also not a die-hard Republican because I can’t stand the hypocrisy of espousing “family values” while carrying on extra-marital affairs, and cutting back on military sepnding while attempting to fight conflicts on two fronts. My main mantra these days (and it’s reversible) is “If you hate the GOP and you don’t despise the Democratic party as well, you’re simply not paying attention.” Term limits for Congress such as were enacted for the Presidency seem to be a very good idea in my opinion. Folks who complain about all the “experience” we’ll lose seem to forget that that “experience” is what caused most of the problems we see right now. Term limits for all. NOW.