In the last 100 of 6000 years of recorded history, a woman is no longer her father’s/husbands property. can no longer be beat with a sick “no thicker than her husband’s thumb”, vote, drive, and enter professions other than nursing and teaching. Was Rome built in 100 years? Babe, people and march and chant, “We want it all, We want it now!”, but wake up to reality.Reality is a woman getting a letter that says, “Greeting, You have been chosen by you friends and neighbors”. Reality is, “this Court awards custody to Mr Father due to education and economic factors.” Reality is “This Court Marshall finds Cpl Woman guilty of willful abuse of government property by becoming pregnant without her CO’s permission. and is sentenced to 6 months in the stockade, forfeiture of rank and pay. The child shall go to DCF.” That’s reality/equality.
In the last 100 of 6000 years of recorded history, a woman is no longer her father’s/husbands property. can no longer be beat with a sick “no thicker than her husband’s thumb”, vote, drive, and enter professions other than nursing and teaching. Was Rome built in 100 years? Babe, people and march and chant, “We want it all, We want it now!”, but wake up to reality.Reality is a woman getting a letter that says, “Greeting, You have been chosen by you friends and neighbors”. Reality is, “this Court awards custody to Mr Father due to education and economic factors.” Reality is “This Court Marshall finds Cpl Woman guilty of willful abuse of government property by becoming pregnant without her CO’s permission. and is sentenced to 6 months in the stockade, forfeiture of rank and pay. The child shall go to DCF.” That’s reality/equality.