Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 19, 2013
Ray: I dunno, it's like I'm addicted to my own adrenaline, man... Being wired feels normal, so I'm constantly drawn to conflict-- anything to get my blood up. I'm really not fit company anymore-- not even for my own family! B.D.: That's not true, man... Ray: You calling me a liar? Are you? Because I have a big problem with that! B.D.: Okay, let's walk that one back...
jackhs over 11 years ago
Building up to a mental case?
Beleck3 over 11 years ago
the thrill of war, the boredom of life. drugs, drugs, drugs.better living through chemistry
Nighthawks Premium Member over 11 years ago
Clark, next time you leave the phone booth, just use your Krypton-given heat-ray vision to melt that snow and ice
sbchamp over 11 years ago
Met this guy in the pubDin’t wanna argue about anything specific, just wanted to argue…
asa4ever over 11 years ago
Combo – Gabapentin, Risperidone, Divalproex, Clonazepam – helps a little.
kingscounsel over 11 years ago
Brilliant; PTSD explained at a level most should be able to relate to in three panels…
Malcolm Hall over 11 years ago
You calling me a troll? Are you? Cause I got a big problem with that!
Gokie5 over 11 years ago
Ah, at least some of us discussed the comic today, not each other. (Oops – maybe I’m discussing “each other” – aaag!)
Robert C. Premium Member over 11 years ago
Ironic, TP…see: "What I see is "I am right and you are wrong , and that is the end of it " .Tag word – self righteous." ~7 comments up.
Typesbad over 11 years ago
GT has shown more empathy and just plain interest in our war vets than any conservative cartoonist or commentator I can think of.
Newshound41 over 11 years ago
You live in CHICAGO! Don’t you think, it’s time you moved?
DavyG over 11 years ago
Oh, good grief. We’ve been through this before, Sarge. months ago. The Supreme Court has not ruled on that. Go back and read the Supreme Court decisions in Minor and Wong Kim Ark, all the way through. You will see that Minor does NOT define the minimum requirements to be a natural-born citizen. The language you are referring to is used only to establish beyond doubt that Mrs. Minor was a citizen of the US. The Minor decision sidesteps the issue of the minimum requirements. For more on the subject, see Wong, in which there is extensive discussion of the intent of the authors of the Constitution, based on English common law, which would have been their background and training. Wong does not rule on the issue, but cites common law and other sources to suggest that the authors would have intended the term “natural-born citizen” to include all of those born here with few exceptions such as the offspring of foreign diplomats.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
It isn’t false outrage nor are they traitors.They may be wrong about some things, but their desire is for a better America as they see it. .The case COULD be made that those who push for continuing fiscal irresponsibility are betraying the nation, but I’M not going to do it. I assume they’re just shortsighted and shallow.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
Tea party didn’t exist when latest wars part they caused it as a counter response to the fiscal irresponsibility they involved.That is why they did not want President Obama to commit acts of war against Syria, too expensive.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
If we consider it in the light of the Washington Navy Yard shootings, we are reminded insanity can be found anywhere.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
Romney would NOT have made a good president. He was the best the Republican Party could offer, but that was the most discouraging fact.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
Actually, lookinside is correct that you show signs of paranoia, obsessive compulsive disorder and a disconnect from reality.Few will be surprised if you go on a killing spree.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
It is bad to torture animals, even rats.People who do so ofren go on to be serial killers as they enjoy hurting people too.Please seek professional mental help.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
Perhaps being born of two American citizens would have assured American citizenship, but the Constitution also guarantees it to those born in America.Please try to see reality.