Drabble by Kevin Fagan for March 01, 2009
Man says, "Good evening, parents! Welcome to another exciting little league season!" Man says, "I'm coach rich, and I'll be running your child's team!" Man says, "My own son will be the star of the team, doing most of the pitching and batting clean-up! He'll play every inning of every game!" Man says, "I decided to become a coach for one reason: To ensure that my son makes the all-star team and gets a big trophy!" Man says, "If your child is not a good hitter, that's fine. I'll teach him never to swing the bat, and to try to get hit by a pitch!" Man says, "I will teach your child what little I know about baseball, unless he starts getting better than my son. Then your child will be benched." Ralph says, "Hey, at least this coach is honest!" Man says, "For my year-end coach's gift, I'd like a gift certificate from Ted's steakhouse!"