Norman: I've got a treat for you, Wally! It helps clean your teeth!
Wally: Snarf!
Patrick: I can't imagine that helped his teeth!
Norman: You were supposed to chew it up!
Wally: Gulp!
They don’t work either for a beagle.. its 2 bite and gone no matter what size just don’t get the raw hide ones. They get buried some place or hidden under something. Dogs gotta love them….
Joel Ivy about 9 years ago
If you wanted him to chew it it should have been big enough to keep a mastiff busy for an hour
e.groves about 9 years ago
I got one for my dog. She took it to the backyard and buried it. I think it’s still there.
Perkycat about 9 years ago
John Phelps about 9 years ago
Yeah, my dogs bite those things into chunks and swallow them. Not terribly successful. I have to get larger & tougher ones.
greatgrannyszoo about 9 years ago
They don’t work either for a beagle.. its 2 bite and gone no matter what size just don’t get the raw hide ones. They get buried some place or hidden under something. Dogs gotta love them….
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly about 9 years ago
Why start now?!
Frankie5466 over 5 years ago
Aww but what a happy little face!