Eno: Can I have a raise? Man: A raise? You?!! Man: You're the worst employee I've ever seen! You show up late, you leave early, and you're a lazy, do nothing slacker! How could you ask me such a dumb... man: And quit texting while I"m chewing you out!!
comicgos almost 12 years ago
Just another day in the life of Eno!
Llewellenbruce almost 12 years ago
Not a good way to get a raise there Eno.
Proginoskes almost 12 years ago
Eno: “What? Were you talking to me?”
GROG Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Give him the boot, the axe and anything else that comes to mind, Boss.
Oldbutnotstupid almost 12 years ago
he is just your normal government employeeeeeee
puddlesplatt almost 12 years ago
Eno ia take notes…
LingeeWhiz almost 12 years ago
Definitely a GSA employee.
slhansen07 almost 12 years ago
Eno, “Quit chewing me out while I’m texting.”
kaecispopX almost 12 years ago
Wait a minute. Eno actually held a job long enough to think of asking for a raise?