Emmy Lou by Marty Links for April 18, 2013

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    Sharon C. Gora Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    But of course! Otherwise, she will look lame and dateless and dying for a date and poor Alvin will wonder what’s wrong with her…which is all in the minds of the girls. To quote a movie, “I’m so glad, I’m not young, any more!”!!

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    annieb1012  almost 12 years ago

    We girls would have died before we would have called the boys! It wasn’t until a few years after this (in my experience, at least) that the “women’s movement” made it okay for women to approach men. It took a while for that concept to trickle down to the girls and the boys. Nowadays, the girls are downright aggressive – as you can see if you drive up in front of any public junior high or high school.

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    comicbuff24  almost 12 years ago

    Emmy Lou doesn’t seem like the type to wait around….She is a leader imo….

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    katina.cooper  almost 12 years ago

    When he doesn’t call, she’ll think he doesn’t like her and she’ll cry herself to sleep.

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