One of the good things for Endtown in all of this is that people are going to be talking amongst themselves about how the High Council and Security operate. Perhaps the people will decide the system needs tweaking.
Many will also be talking about their taboos and social mores (and if there are any eels in the canals, there might be social morays). Not all of them will, but some definitely will and most on either side will think that Security was way out of line.
If there could be an actual debate (not the name-calling, mudslinging kind we are used to) between Jake and Allgood I think the “common” people would find a middle ground. If Allgood is sincere about “remaining human”, and not merely altruistic and power hungry (we haven’t seen enough of him to judge, yet. He may be exactly like first impressions painted him.) he may even try to defend the lot.
All this because a newspaper editor had the courage to do his job rather than what he thought would make him popular. This was the ideal behind our own first amendment.
One of the good things for Endtown in all of this is that people are going to be talking amongst themselves about how the High Council and Security operate. Perhaps the people will decide the system needs tweaking.
Many will also be talking about their taboos and social mores (and if there are any eels in the canals, there might be social morays). Not all of them will, but some definitely will and most on either side will think that Security was way out of line.
If there could be an actual debate (not the name-calling, mudslinging kind we are used to) between Jake and Allgood I think the “common” people would find a middle ground. If Allgood is sincere about “remaining human”, and not merely altruistic and power hungry (we haven’t seen enough of him to judge, yet. He may be exactly like first impressions painted him.) he may even try to defend the lot.
All this because a newspaper editor had the courage to do his job rather than what he thought would make him popular. This was the ideal behind our own first amendment.