Has anyone any experience or knowlege of a Patreon Account? Tekara posted a question yesterday about the possibility of a Patreon Account Aaron could draw upon every month for bills and supplies. It seems possible it could also be used to fund future special art or prints. Also, how many would be interested in helping Aaron on a regular basis, whether it would be $5 or $50 contribution on a daily, weekly or monthly basis? ___________________________
" JusSayin said, about 9 hours ago Tekara “JusSayin Question in the interest of helping Aaron, has he ever considered setting up a Patreon account? He could set it up by the strip, week, month and it would let those of us who caen help an easier way to continually help." ___________________________
And please remember to promote Endtown and Doc Rat friends, family, students and familiar faces. It’s a good way to start dialog with someone
Has anyone any experience or knowlege of a Patreon Account? Tekara posted a question yesterday about the possibility of a Patreon Account Aaron could draw upon every month for bills and supplies. It seems possible it could also be used to fund future special art or prints. Also, how many would be interested in helping Aaron on a regular basis, whether it would be $5 or $50 contribution on a daily, weekly or monthly basis? ___________________________
" JusSayin said, about 9 hours ago Tekara “JusSayin Question in the interest of helping Aaron, has he ever considered setting up a Patreon account? He could set it up by the strip, week, month and it would let those of us who caen help an easier way to continually help." ___________________________
And please remember to promote Endtown and Doc Rat friends, family, students and familiar faces. It’s a good way to start dialog with someone