False Knees by Joshua Barkman for June 08, 2020

  1. Missing large
    lopaka  almost 5 years ago


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  2. Idano
    Ida No  almost 5 years ago

    Being this great can be such a birch.

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  3. 2b21f09a 63d7 4ad1 83a6 fdf4d8b30651
    Zev   almost 5 years ago

    In my town, there is an osprey nest on top of a telephone pole at the end of a sloping exit ramp on the highway. One can examine it really well while waiting at the stoplight, and it truly is a work of art. A few years ago the utility company tried taking it down two winters in a row, but the osprey couple would just rebuild it every spring, even the year the utility guys rigged up two traffic cones to deter them. Didn’t stop them: they just built a more compact one in between the cones! There were baby ospreys hanging half out of it the whole summer, they were so overcrowded! The utility finally gave up, took down the cones, and the ospreys were able to remodel and expand the following year.

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  4. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  almost 5 years ago

    Certainly something to crow about.

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  5. Large robin
    NaturLvr  almost 5 years ago

    Yes, it’s an amazing thing that I, personally, could not build with two hands and opposing thumbs what a bird can assemble with a mere and single beak.

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  6. Widdershins mask
    Widdershins  almost 5 years ago

    A true work of art. :)

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  7. 7196e53b 3f16 4f0b 920b 0ef5c6c90627
    Willi Nilli Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Very nice

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