Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for September 12, 2012
activities day "How can you tell the best club to join?" "Let's check them out." yearbook chess poetry "Community service kids get into the best colleges." "I could do that, plus drama." "Which, coincidentally, has the best parties?" "I strive for the well-balanced life."
I’ll tell you what: When I was in school, a bus was not allowed to make more than four stops in a one-mile stretch (and my road was a 45 MPH main artery into a military installation). These days I’ve seen buses make four stops within four bus lengths. I quite disagree with you, zoidknight. Besides, wouldn’t more kids walking be a good thing in today’s nanny state? After all, the kids don’t get much in the way of PE in school; I know: I’ve been a PE substitute over the last two years.