Almost-but-not-quite every FatCats and some Cowtowns are reruns….
sometimes with small revisions when Charlie plays with the dialogue or updates them.
They’re not all in a particular order… he changes it up for variety, and even throws in an occasional new one.
But this one seems to me to be in its more-or-less proper place in this arc.
They’re great strips… you wouldn’t want to shove them in a closet and never see them again.
I think of it as like having a favorite book of strips…
If you buy a collection, you (hopefully) don’t just read it once, but enjoy it a few times over the years…
as I’m doing with FatCats.
Charlie Podrebarac
July 10, 2015
Almost-but-not-quite every FatCats and some Cowtowns are reruns….
sometimes with small revisions when Charlie plays with the dialogue or updates them.
They’re not all in a particular order… he changes it up for variety, and even throws in an occasional new one.
But this one seems to me to be in its more-or-less proper place in this arc.
They’re great strips… you wouldn’t want to shove them in a closet and never see them again.
I think of it as like having a favorite book of strips…
If you buy a collection, you (hopefully) don’t just read it once, but enjoy it a few times over the years…
as I’m doing with FatCats.