Years ago when I was babysitting some of my nieces, two of whom are grandmothers now, I asked what they wanted me to read from their bookshelf as a bedtime story. One of them spotted a Penney’s on the coffee table. Guess what I spent the next twenty minutes reading aloud.
Leroy almost 9 years ago
“For technical support in Indonesia: 001 62 888-413-6279.“For technical support in Guatemala: 00 502 611-23-9J4W…”
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
Didn’t Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin read some manual to their baby Maggie or Stewie respectively to bed one time?
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I see.
adrianrune almost 9 years ago
Years ago when I was babysitting some of my nieces, two of whom are grandmothers now, I asked what they wanted me to read from their bookshelf as a bedtime story. One of them spotted a Penney’s on the coffee table. Guess what I spent the next twenty minutes reading aloud.
Hydromantes almost 9 years ago
He gets an F minus for reading a bedtime story on the couch, not when the kid is in bed.