I think the best solution is to pick up the scissors, tape, and stack of good paper, but leave the mess. Dad can invent a game for the three of them to clean up after themselves.
I doubt John would clean up the mess with or without the kids unless she asked him to, or reminded him there is a mess. Men don’t see messes like we do. However if she is stuck with it a broom would do the trick pretty quickly.
Hmmm. A choice between (1) a husband who spends quality time and play with his children, or (b) a husband who doesn’t clean up after the mess. Seems like a no-brainer to me!
Dypak: Good answer, as long as she keeps it calm and matter-of-fact.
Or skip the paper entirely. Copy and paste the link below in your URL. Try “Create your own,” or click “Find a flake” and type Carcassonne into the location slot. http://www.popularfront.com/snowdays/index.html?skipDetect=true
wndrwrthg about 16 years ago
And now mom, you get to play too.
ejcapulet about 16 years ago
At least paper is relatively easy to clean up. They could have made cookies!
jruckman about 16 years ago
One of my cats loves to make snowflakes. Just let him at the toilet paper!
Rosedragon about 16 years ago
Smile. Your kids have a father that plays with them. Paper enough to play with. And a house to decorate.
Silverpearl about 16 years ago
You never see the mess you are making until someone tries to get you to clean it up.
Wildmustang1262 about 16 years ago
I wish Elly would yell, “YIKES!” Hey Elly! The best way to do is using vaccum cleaner to clean them up fast!
Jaycy about 16 years ago
I think the best solution is to pick up the scissors, tape, and stack of good paper, but leave the mess. Dad can invent a game for the three of them to clean up after themselves.
Durak Premium Member about 16 years ago
Ellie, relax, Rosedragon is right. Just remind John & the kids that they left a mess. They’ll be glad to clean it up for you.
boozoothatswho about 16 years ago
Pop a nembutal, Ellie. Wrap the tape backwards around your fingers and cleanup takes about five seconds.
alondra about 16 years ago
I doubt John would clean up the mess with or without the kids unless she asked him to, or reminded him there is a mess. Men don’t see messes like we do. However if she is stuck with it a broom would do the trick pretty quickly.
westiewestaz about 16 years ago
Hmmm. A choice between (1) a husband who spends quality time and play with his children, or (b) a husband who doesn’t clean up after the mess. Seems like a no-brainer to me!
Dypak: Good answer, as long as she keeps it calm and matter-of-fact.
Bozo: Bad answer, using meds to cope.
m_ortal about 16 years ago
Or skip the paper entirely. Copy and paste the link below in your URL. Try “Create your own,” or click “Find a flake” and type Carcassonne into the location slot. http://www.popularfront.com/snowdays/index.html?skipDetect=true