For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for May 16, 2017

  1. Mr peterson
    Mr. Peterson  almost 8 years ago

    He’s got…high hopes…

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  2. Americauna chicks 1 week 003
    howtheduck  almost 8 years ago

    I don’t know what traffic in Milborough was like, but I can easily imagine that the country roads took a long time to clear of snow and ice and winter driving for John Patterson going home to his nest might have felt like an ant trying to deal with a 7-year-old girl and her sand.

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    Can't Sleep  almost 8 years ago

    Ah, we’ve all had those days. Only we usually feel like it’s something other than sand getting dumped on us.

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    capricorn9th  almost 8 years ago

    This makes me want to scold Elizabeth that she’s being mean to the ants and leave them alone and let them go home to their nest. I know this is part of the learning process for young children but at the same time they do need to learn not to be deliberately cruel to animals for their own amusement. Yeah, I know it’s just ants…they’re still animals.

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  5. Balloon32
    freewaydog  almost 8 years ago

    Well why does she wanna cover him? Why doesn’t she want him to go home?

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    ladykat Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    She is intrigued by the fact that he keeps trying.

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  7. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  almost 8 years ago

    1% to the working class.

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  8. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 8 years ago

    There’s a teachable moment here, Dad….

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