Most times when you have toddler balance toys, there is a wheel in the front and a wheel in the back to balance forward and back, while the toddler’s legs balance side-to-side. This duck toy has wheels side-to-side. April’s balance must be incredible not to be face-planting on a regular basis with this toy. I suspect she is some kind of physical prodigy. No wonder she is over a cold in less than a day.
Most times when you have toddler balance toys, there is a wheel in the front and a wheel in the back to balance forward and back, while the toddler’s legs balance side-to-side. This duck toy has wheels side-to-side. April’s balance must be incredible not to be face-planting on a regular basis with this toy. I suspect she is some kind of physical prodigy. No wonder she is over a cold in less than a day.