For Heaven's Sake by Mike Morgan for May 26, 2014

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 11 years ago

    Uh… amen to that, Hal A. Luyah.

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  2. John w kennedy 2010 square
    John W Kennedy Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Why? Maybe because even Arius would agree with those sentiments. Heck, even Valentinus would. Probably Simon Magus, too. Whosoever will be saved: before all thinges it is necessarye that he holde the Catholyke fayth. Whiche fayth except every one dooe kepe holy and undefyled: without doubt he shal perishe everlastingly. And the Catholike faith is this: that we wurship one God in Trinitie, and Trinitie in unitie. Neyther confounding the persones: nor devidyng the substaunce. For there is one persone of the father, another of the sonne: and an other of the holy gost. But the godhead of the father, of the sonne, and of the holy Goste, is all one: the glorye equall, the majestie coeternall. Such as the father is, suche is the sonne, and suche is the holy gost. The father uncreate, the sonne uncreate: and the holy gost uncreate. The father incomprehensible, the sonne incomprehensible and the holy gost incomprehensible. The father eternall, the sonne eternall: and the holy gost eternall. And yet they are not three eternalles: but one eternall. As also there be not three incomprehensibles, nor three uncreated: but one uncreated, and one incomprehensible. So lykewyse, the father is almyghtie: the sonne almightie, and the holy gost almightie. And yet are they not three almyghtyes: but one almightie. So the father is God, the sonne God: and the holye gost God. And yet are they not three Goddes: but one God. So lykewise the father is Lord, the sonne Lord: and the holy gost Lorde. And yet not three Lordes: but one Lorde. For like as we be compelled by the christian veritie: to acknowlege every persone by hymselfe to be god & lord: So are we forbidden by the Catholike religion: to say there be three goddes, or three lordes. The father is made of none: neyther created nor begotten. The sonne is of the father alone: not made nor created, but begotten. The holy gost is of the father and of the sonne: neyther made nor created, nor begotten, but proceding. So there is one father, not three fathers; one sonne, not three sonnes: one holy gost, not three holy gostes. And in thys trinitie none is afore nor after other: none greater nor lesse then other. But the whole three persones: be coeternall together and coequall. So that in all thinges, as it is aforesayd: the unitie in trinitie, and the trinitie in unitie is to be wurshipped. He therefore that will bee saved: must thus thinke of the trinitie. Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting salvacion: that he also beleve ryghtly in the incarnacion of oure Lorde Jesu Christe. For the ryght fayth is that we beleve and confesse: that our Lorde Jesus Christe the sonne of God, is God and man; God of the substaunce of the father, begotten before the worldes: and man of the substaunce of his mother, borne in the worlde. Perfecte God, and perfecte man: of a resonable soule, and humayne fleshe subsisting. Equall to the father as touchyng his Godhead: and inferior to the father touchyng his manhoode. Who although he be God and man: yet he is not two, but one Christe. One, not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh: but by takyng of the manhoode into God; One altogether, not by confusion of substaunce: but by unitie of person. For as the reasonable soule and fleshe is one man: So God and man is one Christe. Who suffered for oure salvacion: descended into hell, rose agayne the third daye from the dead. He ascended into heaven, he sytteth on the right hand of the father, God almighty: from whence he shall come to judge the quicke and dead. At whose commyng all men shall ryse agayne with theyr bodyes: and shall geve accompt of theyr owne workes. And they that have done good, shall goe into life everlastyng: and they that have done evyll, into everlastyng fyre. This is the Catholyke fayth: whiche excepte a man beleve faythfully, he cannot be saved. Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, &c. As it was in the begynnyng, &c. —Translation by Cranmer, 1549

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  3. Angel cat
    noreenklose  almost 11 years ago

    This is America—-the land of the free.On this day, we commemorate all the people who sacrificed to keep us free.Free to believe whatever religion, or non- belief you wish. Free, thanks to our HEROES!!!

    We should all let the other guy have his beliefs, just as we hold our own beliefs sacred.

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  4. Missing large
    bopard  almost 11 years ago

    Who let that heckler in the comment section? .JK ?Have you read Justin Martyr in classic latin? Or do you specialize in Carolingian?

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