For Heaven's Sake by Mike Morgan for April 15, 2019

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 6 years ago

    adoptive traditions from the Pagans are hard to break

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    Davis D Danizier (3D)  almost 6 years ago

    The reason bunny suits are even in the equation is because Easter has nothing to do with Jesus. It is NOT A CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY.

    Where in the Bible are bunnies bringing eggs?

    Bunnies (rabbits) and eggs are both are symbols of fertility and fecundity and new life, and were developed by PAGANS to celebrate love, life and the rebirth of Spring. Easter is a Spring FERTILITY celebration, celebrated with drunken orgies. Even the name comes from the goddess Eostre (aka “Ostara”) whence also originates the word “ESTRUS” for the female menstrual cycle.

    Even the calculation of the Easter date is Pagan! Easter was originally created to celebrate the vernal equinox, with drinking, orgies and celebrations. But in a time before electric lights, Pagan equinox celebrants soon realized that Equinox celebrations could go longer into the night in years of a full moon, so they decided to celebrate the Equinox on the first full moon after the Equinox.

    Then when Christians conquered the Pagans and imposed their holidays, they co-opted the Spring Equinox celebration and made it Easter. But while we know nothing of the actual date of Jesus’ birth (so Christmas co-opted Pagan solstice holidays of Yule in the North and Saturnalia in the Roman empire), the two things that was agreed about Easter (the resurrection) was that it was at Passover time and on a Sunday (according to all four gospels). So when the Christians stole the Pagan rituals, they made one small change, and the calculation of Easter still today is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

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