FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for October 11, 2010
October 09, 2010
October 12, 2010
Andy: Think you have enough books in there?
Jason: Books? Mom, I'm on my way to school.
Andy: Correction: Think you have enough pokemon cards in there?
Jason: Truthfully?
They banned Pokemon cards from the Boys and Girls Club where I live. Too much buying, selling, and ripping people off. The presence of Pokemon cards in an area full of children attracts trouble.
boy123 over 14 years ago
thats a lot o pokimon cards
cdward over 14 years ago
This strip ages pretty well, but then you get Pokemon, and you remember it’s a few years old.
josh_bisbee over 14 years ago
Ah, yes, i think i remember reading this arc.
photoman022 over 14 years ago
Pokemon is s-o-o-o ’90s
BananaSlug over 14 years ago
They banned Pokemon cards from the Boys and Girls Club where I live. Too much buying, selling, and ripping people off. The presence of Pokemon cards in an area full of children attracts trouble.
Bibliokat1 over 14 years ago
Pokemon is alive and well…my library has a club that meets every Saturday, there is always at least 100 kids.
linwoodbragg over 14 years ago
See Bill Amend speak: