FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for September 14, 2012

  1. Missing large
    BigChiefDesoto  over 12 years ago

    It would be too heavy to fly with a rubber band power plant!

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  2. Noodlesmile
    Kroykali  over 12 years ago

    This brought back memories! Had several of those when I was a kid. Made a biplane out of one with wings from two kits….didn’t fly worth a darn.

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  3. Grumpy oogie
    nyoha  over 12 years ago

    Google Trans-Pacific Partnership. With Only 2 days left, I feel everybody needs to read about it.

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  4. Missing large
    doctorwho29  almost 6 years ago

    How about not flying it toward Paige?

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