Frazz by Jef Mallett for April 15, 2001
"I just finished 'The Old Man and the Sea.' Man, what a downer!" "A downer? That's the most uplifting book I've ever read!" "Uplifting? How?!" "He caught the fish of a lifetime!" "But he lost the fish!" "The sharks took the fish. Big difference." "What? That fish was his fortune! He was left with nothing!" "Nothing, my tailfin. He won the other fishermen's respect." "That and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee..." "It'll get you all you need in a community like that. And you know the boy will take care of him" "Maybe. For about a day, until the old man dies: 'I spat something strange and felt like something in my chest was broken...'" "Well, he was an old man so he dies triumphant." "You mean tragically. Look how he suffered! Or did you miss all the crucifixion allegory!" "You know, Caulfield, there's some argument as to whether Christ's life was ultimately tragic." "Sheesh, now I'm going to have to read it all over again." "Me, too." "Leave him alone, Frazz. He's supposed to be in here to learn something." "Detention"
doctorwho29 over 12 years ago
So is Frazz a Christian? He’s certainly smart enough
clutzyninja over 11 years ago
It doesn’t say he’s a Christian. I’m not and I can have a more intelligent conversation about the bible than many Christians I’ve known.
KZ71 almost 11 years ago
Oi vey… can Jesus EVER be mentioned in a strip WITHOUT everybody immediately exploding in the comments?
doctorwho29 over 10 years ago
I didn’t mean to start any arguments all that time ago. I was just making a quick comment on how I like to see things
MurraySchrotenboer about 7 years ago
Where is the “like button”? This is great. Even genius.
ToneeRhianRose about 4 years ago
He is! You don’t have to be religious to learn things from The Bible or anyone else’s religious text.
DKHenderson 6 months ago
Now, that’s what I call a book discussion!