Frazz by Jef Mallett for October 08, 2011
Caulfield: Woohoo! The Rodney Rockets won again last night! Frazz: I didn't know you were a football fan. Caulfield: Now coach Hacker will show game video during health class. While I read ahead about Lewis & Clark so I can spend history class doing math homework, and math class doing vocabulary and then have study hour free to plan inappropriate questions for science class. Frazz: Is "convoluted" in your vocabulary sheet? Caulfield: Football is a game of strategy.
I was wondering where the author is from. I am a network engineer who wears coveralls, named clif (with 1 f) who volunteers at the local youth shelter to help kids. In a recent strip, Clif is on the front of his shirt. Just wondering if I know the creator.