Miss Plainwell: Boston is 10 weeks away!
Mrs. Olsen: 10 weeks? By what? Wagon train?
Frazz: That's one way to tell someone's not a runner.
Caulfield: She's grumpy and she gets winded working the vending machine is how I can tell she's not a runner.
Well now, Fraz (and Jef), the news is in:
"Out of a pool of about 5,000 healthy Danish adults, Marott and his colleagues followed nearly 1,100 healthy joggers and 413 sedentary people for more than 12 years. The joggers noted their hours and frequency of jogging, and their perception of their pace.The strenuous joggers, the investigators found, were as likely to die during that time period as the sedentary non-joggers. Light joggers and moderate joggers fared better, in that order, Marott’s team found." – HealthDay
Only a small amount of schadenfreude; I used to love to run.