Garfield: Behind every Sunday is Monday. Jon had better wake up on time this morning. If he oversleeps he's going to regret it. In fact, I kind of hope he does oversleep, we'll have some fun.
Jon: I'm awake! I'm awake!
Garfield: Party pooper!
glowing-steak32 over 9 years ago
Hey, at least you can still have the pies.
alexzinuro about 3 years ago
Garfield must be a fan of Beatrix Potter; Mr. Tod the fox tried to play the first trick on Tommy Brock the badger. Tommy had moved into Mr. Tod’s den and was asleep in his bed; while he slept, Mr. Tod dangled a bucket of water over him, but Tommy thwarted him.
Scrambled Eggs almost 2 years ago
It’s a real shame the Rube Goldberg alarm clock never really caught on.