I sometimes wonder about those of you who dislike Jim Scancarelli so much and the stories he runs. Why do you bother??? Are you sincere in the foolish comments you make or possibly just shills put up by the syndicates to promote controversy and interest?
Whatever the truth might be, may I point you to SFGate.com? That is a link where you will find several dozen comic strips available through the San Francisco Chronicle. If you honestly believe Scancarelli does such a poor job with ‘Gasoline Alley’ why not go there, find some things you might enjoy (if that is, indeed, possible) and stop all your moaning here?
I sometimes wonder about those of you who dislike Jim Scancarelli so much and the stories he runs. Why do you bother??? Are you sincere in the foolish comments you make or possibly just shills put up by the syndicates to promote controversy and interest?
Whatever the truth might be, may I point you to SFGate.com? That is a link where you will find several dozen comic strips available through the San Francisco Chronicle. If you honestly believe Scancarelli does such a poor job with ‘Gasoline Alley’ why not go there, find some things you might enjoy (if that is, indeed, possible) and stop all your moaning here?