It is NOT for the benefit of farmers, who normally set their work schedule by the sun rather than the clock anyway. It was sold under the concept of saving on energy (lighting) costs in cities, and especially for factories. Now that most industries rely on power around the clock, however, it really is an outdated concept. I have maintained for years that those who want to switch their schedule back and forth should be free to do so without artificially naming the new getting-up and going-to-bed times something other than what they are.
It is NOT for the benefit of farmers, who normally set their work schedule by the sun rather than the clock anyway. It was sold under the concept of saving on energy (lighting) costs in cities, and especially for factories. Now that most industries rely on power around the clock, however, it really is an outdated concept. I have maintained for years that those who want to switch their schedule back and forth should be free to do so without artificially naming the new getting-up and going-to-bed times something other than what they are.