Since Kitty shows up in the first frame of today’s Gasoline Alley, it makes sense to quote from a note that Jim Scancarelli sent me late yesterday:
A CAT OF MANY COLORS! About Kitty’s coloring in the daily strips . . . there’s no telling what color she’ll end up. The dailies are intended to be run in black and white but most papers color them the way they want disregarding set patterns as red hair or people of color. The Gertie character is meant to be light tan, but in some papers she is dark skinned and even others she appears white. No continuity. Going back to Kitty. She is white on the Sunday pages. Interestingly, the character Chef Meowrice started out as a yellow cat but gradually morphed into his present state of whiteness. It ends up being a function of each of the newspapers and how they handle the coloring part of the process. By the way, Kitty says “meowrrr” which, loosely translated, means “thanks for inquiring.”
Since Kitty shows up in the first frame of today’s Gasoline Alley, it makes sense to quote from a note that Jim Scancarelli sent me late yesterday:
A CAT OF MANY COLORS! About Kitty’s coloring in the daily strips . . . there’s no telling what color she’ll end up. The dailies are intended to be run in black and white but most papers color them the way they want disregarding set patterns as red hair or people of color. The Gertie character is meant to be light tan, but in some papers she is dark skinned and even others she appears white. No continuity. Going back to Kitty. She is white on the Sunday pages. Interestingly, the character Chef Meowrice started out as a yellow cat but gradually morphed into his present state of whiteness. It ends up being a function of each of the newspapers and how they handle the coloring part of the process. By the way, Kitty says “meowrrr” which, loosely translated, means “thanks for inquiring.”
END TEXT. Cheers,Lew