Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for September 30, 2003
"But you know she likes you. You've known each other since you were puppies." "But she said I smelled." "No, she just said she smelled you...And can't you dogs smell everything?" "Not like that! Things have to smell really rancid to pick up from far away and behind you. Hey Bucky." "Hey."
Clearstream over 8 years ago
Ha! I would give Bucky a bath, but I am afraid to lose a limb.
Caerin Premium Member over 7 years ago
You’re quick Satch, gotta give you that;)
aefields42 over 6 years ago
TheDadSnorlax Premium Member over 3 years ago
uhhhh, TAKE A BATH!!! Rob, do you duty and bath him!!!!
WentHulk about 3 years ago
Take a bath Satchel.