Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for December 08, 2003
"GUYS! Here are the pictures I took on our vacation!" "You stole somebody's pictures?" "They're of us, Bucky." "Somebody was taking pictures of us? I'm glad you stole them." "Those Canucks were probably so taken with my beauty, they felt they had to take photos of me." "Frankly, that's even creepier." "And why do you think most of the photos are of Satchel?" "Well, I mean hey, a freak show is a freak show."
Caerin Premium Member over 7 years ago
Not one of your better days…Buck says they had to take pictures of him (Bucky) and Pinky asks why Buck thinks they are all of Satchel? Course I couldn’t write a comic for beans myself.