Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for October 19, 2008
Satchel: What'cha writin'? Bucky: A list of everyone who needs to be slapped upside the head. Satchel: Oh my... That sounds divisive... Bucky: Only to idiots. Careful. What I am proposing is a standardized method of identifying idiots... idotification. If you will. The purpose of my head slap will be twofold: First, to affix a sticker identifying the slapee as an idiot, as sort of idiot letter, if you will, and B: it will amuse me. Satchel: But how do you figure out who's an idiot? It doesn't sound doable! Bucky: Interesting. Are you impassioned about this enough to, say, recite an essay about your feelings on public radio? Satchel: Yes... Yes, I think I am. Bucky: Fair enough. Unfortunately, that would earn you a slap upside the head.
TerryTaylor over 4 years ago
Technically, an idiot is one who scores an IQ of 25 or less, and looks up to morons (IQ 51-70) as intellectual giants.
phoenixnyc almost 4 years ago
I’m really surprised Bucky hasn’t earned what my stepdad used to call “therapeutic beatings”.