Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for December 08, 2008
Bucky says, "Now listen: after you become president of the U.S. you will dissolve congress- no one will object to that- and then move the capital from D.C. to this apartment." Bucky says, "You will then appoint Satchel head of homeland security." Satchel says, "You mean apartment land security?" bucky says, "I will then invade the capital, over-whelming Satchel with a cunning plan employing jerky bits-" Satchel says, "Ha ha ha! That'll never work, I get them every day already!" Bucky says, "Let me finish!...Jerky bits as a diversion and vacuums to invade." Satchel says, "Rob! Help!"
Man, does Darby changes Macs color just to mess with people? It’s changed within a storyline!