Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for October 25, 2009
Bucky says, "I'm writing a story on cat oppression and I'd like to interview you, Robert." Rob says, "Sorry, no comment." Bucky says, "See, now you're just oppressing my story, so you might as well give me a few comments." Rob says, "I don't trust your interpretation of facts." Bucky says, "How do you spell 'Speciesist'?" Rob says, "I trust some cats, I don't trust anyone without a sense of humor." Bucky says, "You need help, pal. You oughta call your doctor tomorrow...oh, wait, Dr. Garfield doesn't work on Mondays, does he?" Bucky says, "That reminds me, messages: Spongebob Square pulmonologist and Ronald McDermatologist called to confirm appointements, and Johnny Knoxville, Esq., finished your will." Bucky says, "And how can you be sure that Krusty the Accountant is finding all your possible deductions?" Rob says, "I trust my gut, Bucky." Bucky says, "Oh, well, then Satchel must be the most trustable person in the country, his gut is hilarious." Rob says, "I don't think you got my point." Bucky says, "No? Well I'm sure professor Carrot Top is on PBS tonight explaining it."