Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for February 28, 2010
Rob says, "What's that?" Satchel says, "Bucky printed out our astrological charts! They're fascinating!" Rob says, "Can I see it?" Satchel says, "They give our horoscopes and what our names mean and tons of other stuff!" Satchel says, "Turns out I was born when Venus was in opposition with Chicago, so that's why I'm so generous." Rob says, "Satchel, this wasn't printed out. Bucky just made it all up." Satchel says, "You mean I wasn't born when the Dim Star was in ascension?" Rob says, "This horoscope is idiotic. 'Aquarium: Generosity brings luck. Give all your money to the first cat you see'..." Satchel says, "Yeah, but even if that's not right, it turns out that 'Satchel' means 'He who should give Siamese cats money,' so either way-" Rob says, "Satchel, that's not true. Your name means 'sack.'" Satchel says, "Well, good thing 'Bucky' means 'He who is owed money from dogs,' or I'd be feeling pretty silly right.... oh. Dang."
i was here!!!!!!