Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for October 02, 2011
Bucky: Watching singing on tv? Given up on ever being cool, eh? Brave. Rob: What's wrong with singing? Bucky: It's useless in today's iPad and atari culture, it's primitive. Rob: ...said the guy who cleans his butt with his mouth. Bucky: See, other forms of entertains have passed singing by. Rob: Mm-hm. Bucky: In fact, webster defines singing as caveman wailing. Rob; Well that's wrong. Bucky: I'll show you, webster! Get in here! Webster: A-o. Bucky: What's the definition of singing? Webster: Caveman wailing. Rob: Where am I? Satchel: Boy, that webster is like an encyclopedia!
AGED_ENGINEER Premium Member over 13 years ago
Well, at least it isn’t Webster Webfoot. (Seriously repressed childhood memory here, folks!)
mph23 over 13 years ago
Never thought I’d say this, but I AGREE with Bucky. Singing is the lowest form of communication, and by far the most pointless and obnoxious form of entertainment. I am sick of it being on tv. Not to mention that almost (if not) all ‘popular’ singers use digital pitch correction…
JorgeLarre over 13 years ago
Does Satchel know about wikipedia?
fmasroor over 13 years ago
Webster’s cute.
orinoco womble over 13 years ago
Frame 3 is priceless! And that goes for Satchel, too.
Zaristerex over 13 years ago
Webster iss saying “A-O” as a greeting. As in “Hey-o!” with an Australian accent.
Zaristerex over 13 years ago
“Atari culture”? Lol. What decade is he in?
iced tea over 13 years ago
Singing IS expressing yourself.
Hunter7 over 13 years ago
So Webster, what’s the definition of Dancing?
beady.el over 13 years ago
If Webster only has words A through O, then he wouldn’t have “singing”…
rgcviper over 13 years ago
Ha. This one’s just great. And, yes, orinoco … the third frame is classic..In addition … “Cheerio!” to you, too, Webster!
GypsyWoman over 13 years ago
While I was reading this comic, my husband was watching football and he saw a preview to “The X Factor”. He said “Who watches that cr*p? Must be someone because singing has taken over my tv”….and it went on like that for about five minutes. I started laughing and told him how webster defines singing. He said “People who have nothing to do watch this cr*p” and it went on again for about another 5 minutes. now that was entertaining!!!!
doc white over 13 years ago
Singing ia a no no when A cop and ABCs are mixed togather. Or so I have been told.
A.Ficionada over 13 years ago
I like the pink background out of nowhere in pane 9. A tribute to the singer “Pink”?
tegm over 13 years ago