Obviously, in our world, Bucky has lots of fans. People aren’t reading the strip for Rob’s scintillating personality. The fascination of Bucky is like “Cheech and Chong”, they could be absolutely hilarious but you probably wouldn’t enjoy having them as neighbors.
juicebruce about 3 years ago
Seems that the Tuna Muncher is priming his own pump ;-)
iggyman about 3 years ago
The paper chase!
Jeffin Premium Member about 3 years ago
Something’s about to hit the fan.
Chithing about 3 years ago
Why would Rob assume that any of Bucky’s fans could be more literate than Bucky? For that matter, why does Rob keep such a irrational cat around?
YippiKiAyMofo about 3 years ago
Don’t attack the poor, confused, muddled messenger, Pinkish!
Diat60 about 3 years ago
Everything is a puzzle for Satch.
Thinkingblade about 3 years ago
Don’t shoot the messenger Rob – I would give Satchel a nice rub around the ears and ask him to show me the letters.
bloodykate about 3 years ago
: D
mistercatworks about 3 years ago
Obviously, in our world, Bucky has lots of fans. People aren’t reading the strip for Rob’s scintillating personality. The fascination of Bucky is like “Cheech and Chong”, they could be absolutely hilarious but you probably wouldn’t enjoy having them as neighbors.
kenharkins about 3 years ago
How does mail get into the apartment without Rob’s knowledge?
Dis-play name about 3 years ago
Dogs understand the tone of a human voice. Not so much the content spoken.
Impact55 about 3 years ago
No cat, no dog, no comic strip.
Ryan B about 3 years ago
You’re directing your anger at the wrong one, Rob.
BlitzMcD about 3 years ago
Wow. Rob as the “rational one”? Scary thought……