Gil by Norm Feuti for January 15, 2017

  1. 1017207 10200214106421862 492754112 n
    Cameron1988 Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I grew up in the 90s. I had consoles that didn’t even have a memory card saving. Now that was a struggle

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  2. Monty avatar
    steverinoCT  about 8 years ago

    One word: Pong.

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  3. Grump
    Senex  about 8 years ago


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  4. Don quijote
    lebron  about 8 years ago

    Oh the joys of staying inside and playing video games. No fresh air, no sunshine. How did my generation survive with no electronic games? We actually played football on the street or rode our bicycles to the park where we pretended the jungle gym was a space ship taking us to Mars to battle Martians. Or that it was a WW2 tank and we were battling the German army. Oh, what joys we missed having to use our imaginations! [/sarcasm]

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  5. 20230319 170055
    laughingkitty  about 8 years ago

    We girls played “house” in the jungle gym if we beat the boys to it. To them. it was a spaceship or a rocket to the moon.

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