At first I thought maybe Scooooter was putting into action his plan to lead the league in bunt singles, but then on second thought, the batter is wearing powder blue, the uniform color of every single Milford opponent. But then on third thought, sometimes Milford switches to powder blue for one day or panel, so it’s still inconclusive.
But assuming it is a Valley Tech player, the obvious outcome tomorrow is the bunt travels towards the mound while Gregggg stands there oblivious, not knowing the ball was bunted, with his arm out waiting for the pinpoint throw back from the catcher.
At first I thought maybe Scooooter was putting into action his plan to lead the league in bunt singles, but then on second thought, the batter is wearing powder blue, the uniform color of every single Milford opponent. But then on third thought, sometimes Milford switches to powder blue for one day or panel, so it’s still inconclusive.
But assuming it is a Valley Tech player, the obvious outcome tomorrow is the bunt travels towards the mound while Gregggg stands there oblivious, not knowing the ball was bunted, with his arm out waiting for the pinpoint throw back from the catcher.