Joe: In answer to your query a bit further back about the legal situation in Oz: a couple who have lived together at the same address for more than 12 months are considered to be covered by the Family Law. Marriage either at a Registry Office, by celebrant or recognised church minister causes that law to come into effect immediately. Family Law, in general, recognises the equal value of each partner to their situation, regardless of individual monetary contribution to the partnership.
Family Law is mainly concerned with rights should a partnership fail. A blissfully happy couple, as in a situation similar to my own, would never care about it.
Chuklitl: Re the last sentence in your comment - what a load of codswallop! Ceremony is a wonderful part of the human psyche and the only organizations to make a buck out of it (at least in Oz) are the caterers, dressmakers and photographers. There are no marriage licences in Oz.
As with all things involving Ginger, his traditions and human relationships, I wish the couple well.
Joe: In answer to your query a bit further back about the legal situation in Oz: a couple who have lived together at the same address for more than 12 months are considered to be covered by the Family Law. Marriage either at a Registry Office, by celebrant or recognised church minister causes that law to come into effect immediately. Family Law, in general, recognises the equal value of each partner to their situation, regardless of individual monetary contribution to the partnership.
Family Law is mainly concerned with rights should a partnership fail. A blissfully happy couple, as in a situation similar to my own, would never care about it.
Chuklitl: Re the last sentence in your comment - what a load of codswallop! Ceremony is a wonderful part of the human psyche and the only organizations to make a buck out of it (at least in Oz) are the caterers, dressmakers and photographers. There are no marriage licences in Oz.
As with all things involving Ginger, his traditions and human relationships, I wish the couple well.