Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for October 30, 2012

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    Rzollner  over 12 years ago

    Try teaching the day after trick or treat, it is a surgar nightmare. Follow the bouncing students.

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    jklwaddle  over 12 years ago

    Sugar does not make kids hyper. They’ve proved that over and over. So many things that people believe….

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Should have got some candy earlier Kate.

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  4. Charlie
    reese828  over 12 years ago

    I did a simply Google search using the terms study, sugar and hyperactivity and found plenty of credible sources that have debunked the sugar hyperactivity link. Give it a try.

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    samfran6-0  over 12 years ago

    I buy Halloween candy early( first of the month), put it out of sight. Buy other snacks to gnaw on. Then when Halloween comes…. there it is.

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  6. Beafraidmyspace
    saxie5  over 12 years ago

    Whether the sugar myth is true or not, as a former teacher, trust me, kids will try to use it as an excuse…

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    Linda1259  over 12 years ago

    And so will their parents . . . .

    Also a Former Teacher

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