OBMaB. Before retirement I would work every holiday, operations at a nuclear power plant, and except for one auxiliary operator and one shift engineer we were all male. So tired of the tired old troupe that women aren’t appreciated.
This is a nice tribute to single mom’s and grandmother’s who have stepped up to make Christmas as good as they can make it for the children. Thank you!
yoey1957 2 days ago
….Not a creature was stirring….except for grandma who was busting her @$$ to make it happen….
waknoch 1 day ago
Yeah, nothing like generalizing and throwing the guys under the bus. And on Christmas.
Darryl Heine 1 day ago
Why is the Grand Avenue daily strip the last 2 days in B&W and not in color?
philwinn 1 day ago
timinwsac Premium Member 1 day ago
Hopefully Santa will bring Mike some ink.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member 1 day ago
OBMaB. Before retirement I would work every holiday, operations at a nuclear power plant, and except for one auxiliary operator and one shift engineer we were all male. So tired of the tired old troupe that women aren’t appreciated.
Drbarb71 Premium Member 1 day ago
This is a nice tribute to single mom’s and grandmother’s who have stepped up to make Christmas as good as they can make it for the children. Thank you!
TheWizardTim Premium Member 1 day ago
Colorist must be on holiday.