Gray Matters by Stuart Carlson and Jerry Resler for January 27, 2013

  1. Pinguins madagascar
    joelle baker  about 12 years ago

    I haven’t paid for any type of TV for 8 years now. I have two little ones and it is great that they are not being pummeled by the media trying to get them to buy things.

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    Quiet One  about 12 years ago

    Don’t have cable or satellite and can’t get any local tv with an antenna. Been like this for over 10 years now. Very happy with our choice. Even when we end up in a hotel room with cable, we try it but just can’t keep it on over an hour or so because there isn’t anything worth the time.

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    comicnut4636  about 12 years ago

    There’s nothing worth watching…so why pay to watch nothing? I’d rather read a book.

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  4. Baltimore city and inner harbor
    Dr Lou Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Hey…at least he is being honest.

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  5. Western grebe by jeff and amy
    I'll fly away  about 12 years ago

    Have experienced much that you all have. Haven’t had TV in 20 years. Get DVDs from local library system. FREE is good- unless you ahve late fees. Usually history, travel or something that we can learn from.

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    LOWRIDER84  about 12 years ago

    CurrentTV is now Al-Jazeira America. They have switched from liberal propaganda to Al-Quaida propaganda (not much difference). But, since you like MSNBC, you will probably LOVE Al-Jazeira.

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