Heart of the City by Steenz for September 05, 1999
Anthony: Ciao, Mrs. Angelini! Mrs. Angelini: Ciao, Anthony! Dov'e' la mamma? Sa che sei uscita? Man: Carmela! Me sembrava di sentire le ali D'angeli! Mrs. Angelini: O Richie, sempre con le parole polci! Man: Ye, Carmela, quando passerai per il negozio? Ho delle belle olive di puglia! Mrs. Angelini: Ci passo domani tienimene un barottolo! Mom: So, how was our trip to south Philadelphia with Mrs. Angelini? Heart: Well, the visuals were great, but I had trouble following the plot without subtitles.
“Hi, Signora Angelini!” “Hi, Antonio! Where’s your mama? Does she know you’re out?” [should be uscito i think, for a boy]“Carmela! I seemed to hear the wings of angels!” “O Ricardo, always with the sweet words!”“Hey, Carmela, when will you come to my shop? I have lovely olives from Apulia!” “I’ll come tomorrow. Save me a jar!”