Heart of the City by Steenz for February 22, 2011
Heart: One lousy tv commercial, and that darth vader kid gets famous! Dean: But I don't want to be famous... Dean: ...and that kid was an actor, doing what an ad agency guy told him to do. Dean: My darth vader comes from the Heart! Heart: Never thought I'd hear that sentence.
garfield246 almost 14 years ago
Jason Fox’s cousin. Am I right?
rayannina almost 14 years ago
Nahhhh … there’s millions of Star Wars nerds out there.
Edcole1961 almost 14 years ago
Don’t under-estimate the power of the dork side of the force.
WaitingMan almost 14 years ago
Dean would be much more menacing if his Darth Vader costume wasn’t made from a shower curtain.
comicgirl1000 almost 14 years ago
@garfield146i thought the same thing
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
But you’re friends with Dean, so it was inevitable.