Heart of the City by Steenz for November 15, 2012
Boy: I heard the new "Star wars" movies are going to pick up where "return of the jedi" left off... Boy: and it's following the further adventures of Luke, Han Solo and Princess Leia. Dean: Well, job one for Disney is to fix the old adventures... Dean: Han Solo shot Greedo first! Boy: Dude, you're preaching to the choir!
monkeyhead over 12 years ago
Have you seen the little girl who does the Star Wars recap in under 5 minutes? She’s adorable and she’s under 5. Many young keep hearing about it or see their parents watch and end up hooked.
kaystari Premium Member over 12 years ago
What kind of an argument is that, Han Solo is the ONLY person who shot Greedo. Greedo did shoot AT Han before Han shot at Greedo, however.
emjaycee over 12 years ago
But they have lived around the t-shirts and the ‘discussions’ (arguments) enough to pique their curiosity and investigate them themselves. I still have Eps 4, 5, & 6 on videocassette and occasionally dust off the old VCR just to watch Han meet with Jabba’s agent (in later revisals, replaced with Jabba himself). And yeah, I am clearly on the side of “Han shot first”: I have the hard evidence! Mwahahahaha. Just wish I could find a VHS copy of the original “Hardware Wars”; I only have the digitally enhanced version DVD that includes the dozens and hundreds of eggbeaters filling the skies, not the scant few in the original. (You’ll laugh! You’ll cry! You’ll kiss three bucks goodbye!")
Miba over 12 years ago
What’s wrong with the compromise we’ve got going now? They shoot at the same time. Or if you’re that picky just watch your old vhs’s. If I could change anything I’d bring Boba’s old sexy voice back, the new one is not at all attractive.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
Not really.
steelersneo over 12 years ago
Han is a scoundrel. And a scruffy looking nerf herder to boot.
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
Who… frigging… cares…