Dean: heart, this is kim. And that's her cat, ruby. Dean: We're taking ruby and spock out for some air. you're welcome to join us, of course. heart: Third wheel in a cat parade. I've officially hit rock bottom.
So get on your tap shoes and get out there and lead that parade.
5th wheel my my reckoning.
What ever happened to Heart’s other rival for Dean’s attention; Miss Cutie Patootie Mimi?
Heart quickly just became a third wheel
ACK! Premium Member over 7 years ago
So get on your tap shoes and get out there and lead that parade.
Ermine Notyours over 7 years ago
5th wheel my my reckoning.
Topcat05 Premium Member over 7 years ago
What ever happened to Heart’s other rival for Dean’s attention; Miss Cutie Patootie Mimi?
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer over 7 years ago
Heart quickly just became a third wheel