Actually, anything that happened under Bush was pretty much given a pass. Not that that has any relevance to the current BS about Benghazi, which has pretty much all been refuted over and over again, but people continue to echo the right-wing talk-show host talking points despite their lack of grounding in reality. Making $#17 up does not constitute a basis for any supposed wrongdoing. It’s just making stuff up and hoping that it will stick in the empty heads of those who can’t be bothered to check facts. Apparently, that works.
Actually, anything that happened under Bush was pretty much given a pass. Not that that has any relevance to the current BS about Benghazi, which has pretty much all been refuted over and over again, but people continue to echo the right-wing talk-show host talking points despite their lack of grounding in reality. Making $#17 up does not constitute a basis for any supposed wrongdoing. It’s just making stuff up and hoping that it will stick in the empty heads of those who can’t be bothered to check facts. Apparently, that works.