How To Ensure You’ll Forever Get Pizza from NotAlwaysRight:
I am delivering pizzas to a farmhouse. The door opens ever so slightly, and the customer is trying to get the (paid-for) pizzas without opening the door too much. Suddenly, there’s the sound of something smashing in the background, distracting the customer, who releases the door an inch or two.
This is all the space required for ten — yes, TEN — golden retriever puppies to make their escape and swarm all over me, eager to meet their new friend.
Me: Squealing in delight “Oh… my… GodThey’reAllSoFrickinCuteOhMyGoooood!”
Customer: “Sorry! I took in a foster dog, and she was way more pregnant than we realized. I’m glad you’re not scared of dogs.”
Me: Still squealing “Are you kidding? They’re all adorable!“
Customer: “Do you… do you wanna play with them?”
I quickly shoot my boss a message saying I’m going to be ten minutes longer than expected to be back.
Boss: Texting “Traffic?”
I send him back a picture of myself with the puppies.
How To Ensure You’ll Forever Get Pizza from NotAlwaysRight:
I am delivering pizzas to a farmhouse. The door opens ever so slightly, and the customer is trying to get the (paid-for) pizzas without opening the door too much. Suddenly, there’s the sound of something smashing in the background, distracting the customer, who releases the door an inch or two.
This is all the space required for ten — yes, TEN — golden retriever puppies to make their escape and swarm all over me, eager to meet their new friend.
Me: Squealing in delight “Oh… my… GodThey’reAllSoFrickinCuteOhMyGoooood!”
Customer: “Sorry! I took in a foster dog, and she was way more pregnant than we realized. I’m glad you’re not scared of dogs.”
Me: Still squealing “Are you kidding? They’re all adorable!“
Customer: “Do you… do you wanna play with them?”
I quickly shoot my boss a message saying I’m going to be ten minutes longer than expected to be back.
Boss: Texting “Traffic?”
I send him back a picture of myself with the puppies.
Boss: Texting “Take twenty.”