Heard that excuse before….and I kept doing just what he is doing…..I loved the ones who gave their exact speed….“I was only going 69 miles per hour” I would look at the speedometer and of course it only had marks every 5 miles 50 55 60 so I would let them know “Only 69? My, My, your speedometer is even more accurate than mine which has marks every mile per hour.” Ours are certified as we can only use radar enforcement with certified speedometers. Its a cross reference for accuracy that our ground speed equals the radar reading our ground speed so it can make the appropriate calculations.So if you do get a speeding ticket by radar remember that. Ask if they have a certified speedometer in the unit, it might work to your favor.
Heard that excuse before….and I kept doing just what he is doing…..I loved the ones who gave their exact speed….“I was only going 69 miles per hour” I would look at the speedometer and of course it only had marks every 5 miles 50 55 60 so I would let them know “Only 69? My, My, your speedometer is even more accurate than mine which has marks every mile per hour.” Ours are certified as we can only use radar enforcement with certified speedometers. Its a cross reference for accuracy that our ground speed equals the radar reading our ground speed so it can make the appropriate calculations.So if you do get a speeding ticket by radar remember that. Ask if they have a certified speedometer in the unit, it might work to your favor.